UPDATE 10/11: The APS Board voted 5-1 to send the letter of opposition to the new standards to the state Public Education Department.
New Mexico’s largest school district could next to express disapproval of the state’s proposed new education standards.
The Albuquerque Public Schools board is expected to vote on Tuesday on whether to send a letter of opposition to the standards to the state Public Education Department.
PED has proposed science standards that would water down language on climate change and replace references to evolution.
APS Board of Education President David Peercy said he doesn’t want PED to make any changes.
"Hopefully, they’ll work with all the school districts and figure out a kind of assessment that will be beneficial to our students and also to the feedback of our teachers,” Peercy said.
The letter drafted by the board said the proposed standards are not consistent with known science, and reflect poorly on New Mexico’s scientific community. It also argued current standards are used in 26 other states and are backed by scientific research.
Santa Fe and Los Alamos school boards have already sent letters asking the state not to adopt new standards.