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Let's Talk Urban Development In Albuquerque


Let's Talk New Mexico 8/9 8a: One way to help make cities more affordable and accessible is to increase density. If housing is close to businesses, schools and entertainment, people can utilize public transportation and take advantage of new amenities. But some neighborhood leaders in Albuquerque worry that new development in the city may push out existing residents. How can we balance both needs? We'd like to hear from you! Email LetsTalk@kunm.org, tweet with #LetsTalkNM, or call in live during the show. 

  • How would you like to see the city of Albuquerque change?
  • What concerns do you have about new developments in your neighborhood? 
  • How can we ensure that development benefits a range of people, and not just a few top earners in cities across New Mexico?  

Mentioned on the show: 

Albuquerque Integrated Development Ordinance 

City of Albuquerque - Boards and Commissions 

Sawmill Community Land Trust

Light the District 


  • Renia Ehrenfeucht, professor, Community and Regional Planning Department, UNM  
  • Enrique Cardiel, urban health extension coordinator with Bernalillo County  
  • Dan Majewski, urban planning consultant  
  • Deacon Robert Vigil, lifelong Barelas resident and board member of the Barelas Community Coalition