As the 2024 New Mexico legislative session adjourned Thursday, Secretary of State Maggie Toulouse Oliver praised the passage of three bills she said “enhance the integrity and security” of the state’s elections.
The secretary highlighted bills that finance the state’s Election Fund, require disclosure when artificial intelligence is used in misleading campaign materials and limit carrying firearms at polling sites.
Toulouse Oliver said in a statement that stabilizing the pot of money that funds the administration of statewide elections was her top priority of the session. Senate Bill 108 ensures the Election Fund is reimbursed by the general fund for however much the election cost to run, or $15 million, whichever is less. It passed the Senate unanimously and cleared the House on a 59-5 vote.
The Secretary said, if signed by the governor, the bill will allow her office to “continue to fund secure and accessible elections” as inflation persists.
She also highlighted a bill that requires that voters are notified when they’re looking at AI-generated disinformation. House Bill 182 amends the state’s Campaign Reporting Act so that campaigns must add a disclaimer to any “materially deceptive media.” If they don’t, it creates penalties including jail time and fines.
Toulouse Oliver wrote in a statement that the proposal will improve the transparency of campaign ads and “help build trust among New Mexico voters.”
She also praised the passage of Senate Bill 5, which limits carrying a firearm at election polling places to law enforcement officials, concealed-carry permit holders, people conducting non-election-related business and those in their vehicles.