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New Mexican folk music: Cipriano Vigil... and a surprise!

Cipriano Frederico Vigil, "New Mexican Folk Music/Cancionero del folklor Nuevomexicano"

Sat. 3 May, 2-4:15pm:

Composer, guitarrista and folk collector, CIPRIANO VIGIL  will come by to share his songs, stories, and his new book, "New Mexican Folk Music/Cancionero del Folklor Nuevomexicano" (UNM Press, 2014).

More info: www.newmexicofolkmusictreasure.com

And we´ll have a surprise! A Miguel de Cervantes character, PEDRO URDEMALAS will visit Raíces with a ristra de chile by the hand of the writer and advocate of traditional agriculture

Cuento "Pedro Urdemalas y la ristra de chile", escrito y leído por Estevan Arellano (grabado en su casa, Embudo, New Mexico, 14 enero 2014 - Grabación y edición: Cristina Baccin)

Credit Estevan Arellano, by Photographer Don Usner