Let’s Talk New Mexico, 6/27 8a: New Mexico has dropped from 5th to 41st over the last couple years when it comes to confrontational driving and road rage, however the state is now ranked 3rd most dangerous for traffic fatalities, with Albuquerque topping the list of dangerous cities. Residents in Santa Fe recently took to an open meeting where Mayor Alan Webber asked for input on spending priorities for surplus funding; a top request was for traffic enforcement and safer streets. Bernalillo County Sheriff John Allen has suggested aggressively increasing penalties to include impounding vehicles from street racers and other dangerous drivers.
On the next Let’s Talk New Mexico we’ll discuss dangerous and distracted driving with local officials, police, and safety experts. We’d also like to hear from you. Have you seen more reckless or aggressive drivers lately? Has your phone taken your attention away from the road? Do we need more traffic enforcement officers? What other measures could curb dangers and distractions? Email letstalk@kunm.org, leave a voice message by clicking the link below, or call in live at 505-277-5866 Thursday morning from 8-9am.
- Jeff Barela, Traffic Safety Director, New Mexico Department of Transportation
- Evan Chandler, journalist, Santa Fe Reporter
- Undersheriff Johann Jareno, Bernalillo County Sheriff's Office
- Dan Mayfield, Public Information Officer, City of Albuquerque
Related reading:
"The Fast and the Furious: Santa Fe residents reckon with dangerous (and noisy) roads," Santa Fe Reporter
"Plans to put a stop to speeders and street racing on New Mexico streets," KOAT-TV
"Is it true? We have the worst drivers?" Albuquerque Journal