89.9 FM Live From The University Of New Mexico
Your New Mexico Government

2022 Session - Ep. 4, Education and the Halfway Point

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Pueblo Pintado Community School, 2019
Steven Baltakatei Sandoval

We are now half way through the legislature’s 30-day session; it feels like it’s going too fast. As we’ve discussed before, in even-numbered years lawmakers meet for only 30 days to discuss budget issues and a handful of other specific topics the governor has authorized to add to the agenda. If proposed legislation doesn’t fall within those guidelines, and that’s judged by the House Rules and Order of Business Committee and the Senate Committees’ Committee, the legislation is pretty much dead on arrival. Only the Governor can bring it back. We’ll have more details on that process in today’s interview.

This time, we’re talking with reporter Shaun Griswold from Source New Mexico, which has had journalists at the Roundhouse throughout the session watching crime, energy, pandemic relief, and more. Griswold has covered different areas too, but focused on education. We’ll get caught up on the ed bills in front of the legislature and some of the other stories coming from Source NM.

And you can get caught up with us by following #YNMG on your favorite social media site. As we do in every episode, we’d like to thank the Thornburg Foundation for funding YNMG with the goal of creating a more open government that’s understandable and accessible for all New Mexicans.

Legislation Discussed In This Episode:

HB 5 – Pretrial Release Conditions

HB 44 – Affirmative Consent Policy In Schools

HB 60 – Native American Language Certificate Salaries

HB 87 – Indian Education Fund Distributions

HB 88 – Yazzie Lawsuit Appropriations

HB 89 – Tribal Education Resource Projects

HB 90 – Appropriations For Yazzie Lawsuit

HM1 – Yazzie Lawsuit Plan & Reporting

HB 11 – Energy Storage System Tax Credit

HB 34 – Solar Market Development Tax Credit Extension

HB 35 – Geothermal Ground-Coupled Heat Pumps

SB 1 – Increasing Salary For Licensed Teachers

SB 43 – Prohibiting Life Without Parole For A Child

SB 65 – State Food Banks
This public service is part of our Your New Mexico Government project, a collaboration between KUNM radio and New Mexico PBS. Support for public media provided by the Thornburg Foundation.

Kaveh Mowahed is a reporter with KUNM who follows government, public health and housing. Send story ideas to kaveh@kunm.org.