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Let's Talk New Mexico

Let's Talk New Mexico, Thursdays at 8a

We discuss a wide range of topics and stories on the show. News reporters explore their beats in greater detail during the hour-long show and listeners have the opportunity to weigh in, share their experiences and ask questions of our panelists. We cover culture, history, policy, government, the environment, education, lawmaking, criminal justice, public health, inequality and solutions to the problems we experience in our communities. 

Listeners can:

  • call 505-277-5866 to participate live during the show
  • email LetsTalk@kunm.org
  • comment on our Facebook page
  • follow us on Instagram @kunmnews

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  • In New Mexico educational outcomes are low overall, and they’re even lower for special education. In May the Governor announced a new special education office to help improve those outcomes. On the next Let’s Talk New Mexico, we’ll discuss closing the achievement gap for special needs students.
  • Native American women in New Mexico have the highest rate of homicide among all racial and ethnic groups, and Albuquerque and Gallup are among the top ten cities in the United States for missing and murdered cases. The federal Not Invisible Act Commission recently visited Albuquerque to hear from stakeholders. On the next Let’s Talk New Mexico, we’ll discuss what still needs to be addressed.
  • Ten years ago then-Governor Susana Martinez froze the Medicaid funding of 15 behavioral health agencies in New Mexico after the state Human Services Department said an audit found “credible allegations of fraud.” While all the accused providers were later cleared by the attorney general, the incident severely disrupted the state’s behavioral health care system. On the next Let's Talk New Mexico we'll ask, "where are we now with our behavioral health care system?"
  • On the next Let’s Talk New Mexico we’ll talk about residential solar power. We’ll go over government incentives to make solar power more affordable, whether solar installations are now affordable enough to make sense economically, and we’ll discuss the environmental impact solar power and the equipment to produce it can have. We’ll also talk about those folks knocking on doors trying to get homeowners to sign up.
  • Since the overturning of Roe v. Wade last year, more people are coming to New Mexico for abortions and lawmakers passed a bill to ensure access. But counties and local governments have passed ordinances to restrict abortion and at least one is suing to overturn that state law. On the next Let’s Talk New Mexico we get an update on all this.
  • Recently, Albuquerque’s City Council voted down an ordinance that would have established a basic, online landlord registry meant to track data on rental units across the city. On the next Let’s Talk New Mexico, we’ll explore the complex relationship between landlords and tenants plus ongoing efforts to regulate the industry.
  • Our warming atmosphere is giving us stronger storms, hotter summers and winters with an unpredictable snowpack that is shifting growing seasons and putting water supplies at risk. You may have noticed changes in your home garden, while farmers across the state are adapting to protect their livelihoods, generations-old lifeways, and our food supply.
  • On the last Let’s Talk New Mexico we discussed our state’s troubled foster care system. After many listener calls and emails and many new questions, we’ve decided to continue the conversation this week – focusing on solutions.
  • Let's Talk New Mexico, 4/27/23: Three years ago, the state promised to stop housing foster youth in offices and youth shelters that don't have the necessary mental healthcare resources. However, a recent reporting series found that these practices are still going on amongst many other challenges. , we’ll take a look at the current standing of our child welfare system and what it will take to ensure foster youth are finding supportive placements, while working to comply with the Kevin S. lawsuit.
  • The 2023 legislative session is in the rearview mirror, but soon interim committee hearings will start up around the state in preparation for the 2024 session which begins next January. In this week’s show, we will talk about transparency, including several bills aimed at increasing transparency in government that recently succeeded or failed. We will also talk about the budget process and how it works, and how transparent it is – or is not. As the state continues to see record revenues, knowing how our money is spent is everybody’s business.