Mon. 4/4, 7p: This month we celebrate Children´s Day in several countries, so host Cristina Baccin converses with our guests, Dr. Verónica García, Executive Director of New Mexico Voices for Children and Ms. Amber Wallin, Director of Kids Count about childhood in New Mexico. More information:
Listen here:
What´s the situation of Hispanic children in New Mexico? (Interview with Dr. García and A. Wallin, hosted by Cristina Baccin, April 4, 2016)
A pediatrician friend of mine usually says "A society that doesn´t take care of their children and their elders is an uncivilized society": What should we -as community- do for our childhood wellbeing? (Interview with Dr. García and A. Wallin, hosted by Cristina Baccin, April 4, 2016)
Steps of action / A campaign for a better New Mexico