Erika Gerety, co-hosts KUNM Folk Routes shows with her husband
Dave Para.
Erika has been steeped in folk music for many years, starting as a child. She came from a musical and theatrical 60's family with influences from both old-time and Celtic traditional music, and traditional music sidelines like the Holy Model Rounders. Erika has been an organizer of the Albuquerque Folk Festival for 23 years and is currently the Event Director as well as an advisory board/performance committee member of the Santa Fe Tradfest, on the Dance Committee for FolkMads (NM Folk Music and Dance Society), and on the Big Muddy Folk Festival committee in Boonville Missouri. She also plays music with her husband Dave in three folk bands plus supports and plays with the community contra dance group, The Albuquerque Megaband, and she plays in a fourth swing/folk band.