Africana Studies is the newest department at the University of New Mexico. It was a program at UNM for 51 years which was able to grant Bachelor's degrees, but in 2022 became a department and can now grant Masters degrees as well. KUNM spoke with Kirsten Pai Buick, chair of the department, about her goals and achievements.
College is challenging on many levels, but for students in a small racial minority there can be even more hurdles adjusting to a new place. A number of experts say universities should help these students with psychological supports and programs that remind them they’re not alone. That’s the idea behind Black Minds Matter, a first-year experience course at the University of New Mexico.
The self-taught ranch foreman's discovery of giant bison bones in northern New Mexico led to a revelation about the history of humanity in the Americas.
Where do you get your news? Rather, where do you get your stories? Even more: how do stories shape us? And who are the people crafting these…
When host Khalil Ekulona thinks about his purpose in life, he often thinks of his family. Family is where we get our first lessons and introduction to the…