There’s been lots of talk about economic recovery lately, but there’s no good news on the jobs front in New Mexico. Again and again, the business…
It was reported recently that 7 out of 10 live births in New Mexico are on Medicaid.Astonishing, troubling…arguably, the most painful statistic of all for…
The other day, when I was supposed to be doing something else, I was casually reviewing my own profile on Linked In -- the online network for…
Opening day in the NM Senate is always filled with high drama. This year was no exception. The tension centers on who will be elected President Pro Tem, a…
It’s time to stop the minimum wage madness in New Mexico! Setting price floors for human labor is both bad economics and unfair to the very workers it is…
It had to be my imagination.I thought cigarette smoking was a dying pastime—no pun intended.But all around us—young smokers. Lots and lots of them. Teens…
The tragic shooting in Connecticut has set me thinking about our own state’s gun laws, and what the legislature has done to expand gun ownership-- even…
K-12 education reform is direly needed in New Mexico. The latest evidence for that is a report from the US Department of Education which studied and…
New Mexico may not have been a swing state this year in the presidential election, but someone upped the ante when it came to the legislature. SuperPacs…
People often complain there are too many lawyers in the world, and you may think they have a point. After all, an astonishing 40,000 students graduate…