89.9 FM Live From The University Of New Mexico

The 23rd Annual Cesar Chavez Day Festival


 Sat. 3/26, 2p:  Join the Raices collective and KUNM as we bring you live coverage from the 23rd annual Recuerda a Cesar Chavez at the National Hispanic Cultural Center in downtown Albuquerque. The day caps off a week of education and public service with a celebration of labor leader Cesar Chavez’s life and legacy, and features addresses by local and national guests, the awarding of the annual Si Se Puede awards, and features the poetry and music of local artists and a concert by internationally-renowned Las Cafeteras.  The Raices collective will be there to bring you interviews with participants and guests, and some behind the scenes sights and sounds from the march that starts the day, to the concert that ends the annual remembrance of Chavez’s historical impact as an American labor leader and his continuing relevance as a social and economic justice icon.

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