89.9 FM Live From The University Of New Mexico

Border governors meeting in Albuquerque

Governor Susana Martinez is hosting a meeting of border governors in Albuquerque this week.

Martinez, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer and governors from three Mexican states are expected at the gathering, which opened with a private reception Wednesday night. Texas Governor Rick Perry and governors from the other three Mexican border states were expected to send representatives for two days of private workshops.

Topics on the agenda include agriculture and livestock, competitiveness, education, border crossing, health, security and sustainable development.

Martinez and Chihuahua Governor César Horacio Duarte Jáquez will speak Thursday night during an opening ceremony. The governors will hold a closing ceremony and discuss their meetings with the press on Friday afternoon.

In addition to Brewer, Martinez and Duarte, Govs. José Guadalupe Osuna Millán of Baja California and Guillermo Padrés Elías of Sonora are in New Mexico for the meetings.

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