89.9 FM Live From The University Of New Mexico

Film Shows That Babies Are Born with Connection to Others

Dr. Suzanne Zeedyk makes research live

Sat.  12/10 12pm: Dec 17 will mark the Western US premiere in Albuquerque  of The Connected Baby, a film that demonstrates how babies form emotional connections-even before birth.  Dr Suzanne Zeedyk worked with filmmaker Jonathan Robertson to bring to life her research on babies' innate ability to communicate and connect with other people. "It's really multi-layered. It's understanding that babies come into the world already connected to other people and that the way that they experience relationships shapes their brains and then, shapes the life that they have afterwards," said Zeedyk talking to Susan Loubet on Women's Focus.   Zeedyk has hopes that an understanding of the family and cultural influences on child development could lead to "understanding the way that we can tackle a lot of society's problems that we would like to find solutions to."  Zeedyk plans to show her film not only to other researchers and to parents, but also to teachers and policy makers. The New York and Albuquerque premieres will be followed by showings to policy-making bodies beginning with the Scottish Parliament.

Reservations are necessary for free tickets to the Saturday, Dec 17th, 9:30am-12:30pm showing of the film "the connected baby." Reserve at 505-243-5437 or marisol@nmaeyc.org. Albuquerque premiere at National Hispanic Cultural Center, 1701 4th SW


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