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Still Time For Ethics Commission

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ANNAfoxlover via Wikimedia Commons

The state House voted Tuesday to create a statewide ethics commission. But will the proposal have time to get through the Senate? There are only eight days left in the session.

The legislature is full of arcane parliamentary procedures that can affect the space-time continuum better than Marty McFly with a flux capacitor. House Republicans complain the Senate has been stalling on their bills. Meanwhile, the Democrat-controlled Senate says the same about their House colleagues.

Michael Sanchez, the Senate Majority Floor Leader, controls the flow of bills on the Senate floor. "The ethics bill coming over late, I don’t think that it’s gonna make it through," he said this week.

But that could always change, he says: "If everybody’s on board, everybody thinks the same, then a bill can go through pretty quickly."

Set your time travel dial for February 18 and we’ll find out whether this proposal had enough power to land on the governor’s desk. Gov. Martinez has supported the idea of an ethics commission in the past.

Check out all of the content from our People, Power and Democracy project. It's a collaboration between KUNM, New Mexico In DepthNew Mexico PBS and the New Mexico News Port at UNM. Funding for the project comes from the Thornburg Foundation. 

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