Gifts Of Stock Or Securities
KUNM is licensed to the Regents of The University of New Mexico. Gifts of stock designated for KUNM are handled through the UNM Foundation. To make a contribution to KUNM via stock transfer, please provide a letter to your broker with the following information:
• Name of security and number of shares to be transferred
• Donor’s account number from which the shares will be transferred
• Foundation’s account into which the shares are to be transferred –
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Account #234-021171-259 (DTC#0015)
for “the account of the UNM Foundation, Inc.”
• Name, address and phone number of the UNM Foundation’s broker:
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
Attn: Evan Long
6565 Americas Parkway NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110
(505) 889-2861
• The intended purpose of the gift: Contribution to public radio, KUNM 89.9 FM (it is important that you use this exact verbiage)
• Date transfer to be completed
We would greatly appreciate a copy of the letter emailed to or faxed to the attention of Chanda Shaw at FAX number 505-277-6393, or mailed to:
Attn: Chanda Shaw
MSC06 3520
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
As soon as this stock gift is complete, the UNM Foundation will send an acknowledgment letter for income tax purposes. Pursuant to IRS guidelines, the value of the gift will be based on the average of the high and low price of the stock on the date of the transfer. Questions? Please call Chanda Shaw 505-277-8006