The Bernalillo County Commission will hear testimony this week about a controversial proposal to build a huge planned community west of Albuquerque.
If approved, Santolina developers would turn about 14,000 acres of sprawling sand dunes into a mini-city complete with industrial parks and schools.
The Bernalillo County Planning Commission voted to change the Santolina area’s zoning in December, after more than a year of hearings. That decision now needs to be approved by the County Commission.
Developers say Santolina’s 38,000 new homes would pave the way for future population growth in the area and that businesses that open shop there would create 75,000 jobs.

Opponents say Santolina is an unsustainable development and question where the money for infrastructure—and water for the community—would come from.
The hearing begins Wednesday March 25, 2015 at 1:30p in the Vincent Griego Chambers at City Hall in Albuquerque. The hearing is expected to continue on Thursday at 9a.