KUNM Call In Show 4/13 8a: Governor Susana Martinez vetoed a record 51 percent of the bills state lawmakers sent to her desk this year. She vetoed the entire budget for the state Legislature, every dollar for state colleges and universities, a total of $800 million in vetoes. The governor says she plans to call lawmakers back to Santa Fe for a special session. But what will be different? Will any of the bills she vetoed be back on the table?
We want to hear from you. Email callinshow@kunm.org or call in live during the show.
- Marisa Demarco, reporter for KUNM
- Jeff Proctor, independent journalist
- Trip Jennings, New Mexico in Depth
- Sandra Fish, data journalist for New Mexico in Depth
- Walt Rubel, managing editor of Las Cruces Sun-News
- Matt Reichbach, editor of New Mexico Political Report
Further Reading:
- Martinez veto of tax package, large parts of budget pave way for special session—NM Political Report
- Governor defends veto of entire higher ed budget—Las Cruces Sun News
- 2017 #nmleg laws and the governor’s vetoes in 4 easy charts—New Mexico in Depth
- Governor vetoes campaign finance reform—New Mexico in Depth
- Martinez vetoes solitary reform, ‘ban the box’ bills—New Mexico in Depth