KUNM Call In Show 4/2 8a:
With high rates of illnesses like diabetes or addiction, rural New Mexicans have some of the most pressing medical needs in the state. But those same residents have the most trouble getting the health care they need. We'll dig into the health needs in rural New Mexico and explore how the Internet is being used to fill some gaps.
We'd like to hear from you! Email callinshow@kunm.org, post your comments online or call in live during the show.
Miriam Komaromy, Associate Director of the Extension for Project ECHO
Jennifer Nanez, Senior Program Therapist, UNM Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Related content:
- Read about the differences between telehealth, telemedicine, and the Project ECHO model
- The map below shows the ratio of population to primary care providers in each county. Rural counties like Rio Arriba, Quay, Roosevelt, Luna, and Socorro have the fewest providers. Also, see more detailed data and an interactive version of the map.

This table highlights the percent of the population that has had 14 or more days of "not good mental health" in the last 30 days. Similarly, many rural counties have high rates, and lack treatment options. Data from New Mexico Department of Health.