Let's Talk New Mexico 8/31 8a: Call now 277-KUNM or 277-5866. You can also call toll-free 1-877-899-5866. Are all New Mexico’s students getting the same quality education? A lawsuit against the state says the answer is no, and that low-income kids, kids who speak languages other than English, and kids with disabilities aren't getting their fair share.
Lawyers for Governor Susana Martinez say the state is doing a good job and is making progress with vulnerable students. But if the judge disagrees, the case could reshape the way New Mexico funds its public schools.
This week on Let’s Talk New Mexico, we’re diving into challenges faced by our state’s most vulnerable students. How can the state provide equal education to all? Would spending more money solve the problem? Or do we need to change how we spend money on education?
Email letstalk@kunm.org, call in live during the show, or tag us in a Tweet #letstalkNM.
- Edward Tabet-Cubero, Executive Director of New Mexcio Center on Law and Poverty
- Suzanne Nguyen, Executive Director of Federal Bilingual Programs of Rio Rancho Public Schools
- Trisha Moquino, Co-Founder, Education Director and Primary Guide of Keres Learning Center