In episode 37, we're talking about companies and federal officials squeezing through changes to environmental regulation, oil and gas leases, and laws…
Dangerous dry-cleaning chemicals leached into the soil and the aquifer under Española decades ago. The Environmental Protection Agency pulled out recently…
Over two decades ago, toxic dry cleaning chemicals seeped into the groundwater from a chemical distribution company’s warehouse near downtown Albuquerque.…
The nation’s only underground nuclear waste dump is back in operation again. The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant near Carlsbad stored low level nuclear waste…
The New Mexico Environment Department released a new rule protecting groundwater from copper mining three years ago. The copper rule was one that state…
Los Alamos National Laboratory has been one of the country’s foremost nuclear research centers ever since the atomic bomb was developed there in the…
When toxic chemicals are released into the environment, figuring out whether they’re making people sick can be a major challenge. It’s a problem the state…
The New Mexico Environment Department is rewriting the state’s rules on water pollution. The state’s water quality rules regulate everything from…
Kirtland Air Force Base has faced a lot of criticism for how it has handled a decades old fuel spill that threatens Albuquerque’s drinking water supply.…
The state’s top environmental regulator testified at a joint congressional hearing recently, criticizing the Environmental Protection Agency for…