A recent study for breast cancer research found significant racial disparities between American Indian and Alaska Native women compared to white women when it comes to standard of care and treatment options. KUNM’s Taylor Velazquez spoke with Felina Cordova-Marks, an assistant professor at the University of Arizona’s College of Public Health and co-author of the study.
Women's Focus Sat. 11/23 Noon: When Peggy Langenwalter, Trish Comer and Jennifer Cox-Horak joined the ranks of 11 million widows in the U.S., they…
Women's Focus: 9/14 Sat Noon: A daylong symposium on Sept. 14 at the Albuquerque Museum explores how women have shaped the field of printmaking with an…
Women's Focus 8/24 Noon: We have all experienced betrayal at some time in our lives. It might have been by a lover, by a friend, in our job or in our…
Women don’t become firefighters at nearly the rate that men do in the U.S. Now, forest service officials in New Mexico are working to have crews that…
The beginning of the school year is fast approaching and school supplies can be expensive, especially for women who are getting out of jail or prison and…
3:30 12p: This week in women's headline news: Legendary filmmaker Agnes Varda dies. Also in the news, three women's rights activists in Saudi Arabia…
Women’s Focus 12/29 12p: On this episode we’ll explore how Crossroads For Women helps women successfully return to the community after incarceration as…
The number of babies born dependent on drugs in New Mexico more than tripled between 2008 and 2017 according to new data from the state Department of…
Let’s Talk New Mexico 10/11 8am: A record number of women are running for elected office across the country this year and we’ll look at how the national…