Let’s Talk New Mexico 8/19 8am: This summer marks the 50th anniversary of the 1971 Chicano-led rebellion against police brutality and racism that began in Albuquerque’s Roosevelt Park. The rebellion is a key, but often overlooked, moment in New Mexico’s Chicano history. Fifty years later, it serves as a reminder of the long record of police violence, resistance, and collaboration by people of color in our state, and remains especially relevant in the wake of the 2020 Black Lives Matter uprising.
On this week’s Let’s Talk New Mexico, we will hear about the importance of the Chicano movement, not only for New Mexico’s history, but also how it impacted and influenced Brown resistance in the U.S. as a whole. We will talk with a Chicano activist who was part of the 1971 uprising as well as members of the new generation of Chicano activists about what the movement looks like today, and where it’s headed.
And we want to hear from you. Did you or someone you know participate in the 1971 Rebellion or other Chicano or Latino led protests in New Mexico? What was the experience like? Are you a Chicanx elder or younger activist in the community? How would you like to see communities of color work together in New Mexico? Join the conversation, email us at LetsTalk@KUNM.org, or call in during the show Thursday, August 19 at 8am.
Sofia Martinez is co-founder of Los Jardines Institute, an educational and agricultural non-profit in the South Valley. She is also a co-founder of Voces Feministas, a women's radio show on politics, art, culture, news and information highlighting women of color, here on KUNM. Martinez has been an educator in New Mexico for more than 17 years.
Richard Moore is a former Black Beret who participated in the 1971 rebellion, and is co-founder of Los Jardines institute in the South Valley. He currently serves as the Co-Chair of the inaugural White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council and a member of the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) National Environmental Justice Advisory Council (NEJAC). He is the national Co-Coordinator of the Environmental Justice & Health Alliance for Chemical Policy Reform, advocating for stronger, safer, and just chemical policies. He is also Co-Founder and Board Member of Just Transition Alliance and a Board Member of Coming Clean, Inc.
Jerome Chávez is a masters student in the Chicano and Chicana studies program at UNM. In his academic work he focuses on the history and social movements of the Chicano people that are often overlooked, including the 1971 rebellion.
Tatyana Trujillo is a masters student in the Chicano and Chicana studies program at UNM. She is an activist, artist, poet and social advocate for her community. Her research is focused on food justice and migrant workers.