Let’s Talk New Mexico 8/26 8 am: Thousands of people are fleeing Afghanistan since the Taliban’s takeover and Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham has announced that New Mexico is ready to welcome them with open arms. How can our state best ready itself to receive these refugees? What type of services are already available? How will all of this work while we are still struggling with a global pandemic? On this week’s episode, we’ll be talking to folks who work with New Mexico’s refugee population, as well as the refugees themselves, about their experiences and how they think our state should respond to this sudden need.
Whether you supported the war in Afghanistan or not we want to hear from you. Do you have experience working with and aiding displaced people? What do you think the state can do to help ease their pain? Let’s talk about it. Email: LetsTalk@kunm.org, tweet #letstalkNM, or call in during the live show.
- Mohammad Ismial - Former Afghan interpreter to U.S. armed forces
- Brandon Baca - Refugee & Newcomer Supports Program Manager/APS
- Beatriz Elena Valencia - Immigrant & Refugee Affairs Liason/CABQ
- Lutheran Family Services
- Catholic Charities
- Albuquerque Public Schools Refugee and Newcomers Supports
- NM Family Asian Center
- Refugee and Immigrant Well-Being Project
- Afghan Society of New Mexico
- Islamic Center of New Mexico
The City of Albuquerque's Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs – Office of Equity and Inclusion, the Afghan Society of New Mexioc and the Islamic Center of New Mexico are hosting a gathering on Friday, August 27 from 2:15 to 4 p.m. "Gathering To Sympathize and Support the Afghan Community." It's at the Islamic Center of NM, 1100 Yale Blvd SE in Albuquerque and also on Zoom.
Zoom link: Meeting ID: 850 8688 6032, Passcode: 931048