Let’s Talk New Mexico, 5/23 8a: Wildlife in New Mexico is considered a public resource – meant to be enjoyed by all New Mexicans – regardless of wealth, privilege, or land ownership.
On the next Let’s Talk New Mexico, we will talk about a unique, one-of-a-kind system meant to offset damage caused by elk and incentivize private land conservation and attempts to reform and properly fund state agencies. We’ll also dive head-first into how the state manages our game and fish.
Are you an outdoors enthusiast or hunter? What should the public’s role be in wildlife conservation? Do you have thoughts on fishing license fees or how the state doles out hunting permits for big game animals?
Email letstalk@kunm.org, leave a voice message by clicking the link below, or call in live at 505-277-5866 Thursday morning from 8 to 9 a.m.
- Chris Smith, Wildlife program director, WildEarth Guardians
- Daniel Roper, New Mexico state lead, Trout Unlimited
- Kerrie Romero, Executive director, New Mexico Council of Outfitters and Guides
- Jesse Deubel, Executive director, New Mexico Wildlife Federation