Let's Talk New Mexico 3/5 8a: Lobbyists spent more than $195,000 on events, meals and giveaways for state legislators during the 2019 legislative session, working out to more than $6,500 a day. Ethics advocates worry that this kind of spending influences those legislators’ decisions in the Roundhouse, and think the public has a right to know exactly what’s going on. We’ll be talking about lobbying, as well as the new State Ethics Commission, and how a plan to pay New Mexico’s legislators a salary might help reduce the role lobbyists play in state government.
We want to hear from you! Are you concerned about the ways certain industries use lobbyists to influence state government? Or do you see it as a necessary evil that allows legislators to learn about important issues? Do you think a salary for legislators would help decrease their reliance on lobbyists? Or do you think the New Mexico Legislature should remain a civilian body? Email Letstalk@KUNM.org, tweet us at #LetsTalkNM, or call in live during the show.
- Jeremy Farris, Executive Director, State Ethics Commission
- Kathleen Sabo, Executive Director, New Mexico Ethics Watch
- Jim Dines, Former State Representative (R) District 20
- Senator Antoinette Sedillo Lopez, (D) Senate District 16